It's Movember. Just gimme a mo ok?

Day 22 – Awareness
Sunday, 22nd November, 2009, 11:59 pm
Filed under: Movember | Tags: , , , ,

I’m a whinger. Yesterday I complained that the Commonwealth Bank changed their logo to pink for an entire month for Pink Ribbon Day on 25th October, but did nothing for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in September. How wrong was I?

The Commonwealth Bank lights up blue for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Maybe my ignorance is indicative of men’s habit of shunning issues concerning our health. Even when it’s all around us, we don’t notice until it happens to us and it’s too late. It’s a good thing I’ve got involved with Movember. Not only am I raising awareness of prostate cancer and depression in those around me, I’m also learning a lot along the way.

Day 21 – Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Sunday, 22nd November, 2009, 1:27 am
Filed under: Movember | Tags: ,

I’m appalled. September was Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and I heard nothing about it at all. Pink Ribbon Day was 25th October and the Commonwealth Bank changed their logo from yellow to pink for the whole month. I don’t remember them doing anything like that in September even though they’ve been a partner of the Prostate Cancer Foundation since 2002.