It's Movember. Just gimme a mo ok?

Day 5 – Rush hour
Thursday, 5th November, 2009, 10:57 pm
Filed under: Movember | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

He’s gone ahead and done it. A man braver than me. My half-Lebanese, half-Dutch boss Anthony had actually signed up for Movember and not told anyone. It only came to light when I spammed all our colleagues telling them about my (attempted) mo-growing exploits. Anthony had a photo ready to put up. The funny thing is that I’ve never been seen with this much stubble and he’s never been seen as clean shaven as he is in that picture taken on Day 1. We were both flying solo, but all of a sudden it was Rush Hour with him the tall swarthy Tucker and me the short hairless Chan. And we got a few donations to boot.

He’s a far braver soul though. He’s flying to the US in a couple of weeks where he always gets pulled over and screened like a suspected terrorist. And now he’s donning facial hair. It’s like wearing a t-shirt saying “Come and get me you bastards!” Good on ya you jolly swagman. So now you know that when you support Movember, that you’re not only supporting research for depression and prostate cancer, but for men taking a stand against injustice and oppression. Support the cause.

My mo’s starting to take shape (of sorts). I’m sort of looking like a torture victim. It’s like someone’s stuck electrodes above my lip and burnt off some of the stubble. But at least it is still just stubble. Perhaps that’s a good thing.

day 5

Five days to go
Tuesday, 27th October, 2009, 11:43 pm
Filed under: Movember | Tags: , , , , , , ,
OK, I’ve been donating to Movember for years now, supporting my mo bros out there because I could never grow a moustache. This year someone threw down the gauntlet. Funnily enough, we call her ‘mho’ (her user ID at work). She said that she’d donate $100 to the cause if I signed up. I think that she and I usually donate that much anyway. Still, I didn’t want to back down on the challenge. I had to check with the boss first, because I didn’t want to upset her, and this was a cause too important to back out of. So I asked my better half if it would amuse or embarrass her in any way. She said, “Probably both”.

“Well you know that if you hate it half way through November, I can’t just shave it off? I’ll have all these sponsors and I can’t let them down”.

I went three days without shaving to see just how lame it could look. It was pretty sparse. Well the ridicule is something I’ll have to live with. It’s for a worthy cause. It irritated my girlfriend’s face a bit. She agreed to live with that too.

I looked for a group to join, asked my colleagues and guys I’d sponsored in past years. No one wants in. One’s on holidays and gets back too late to join in. I’ve got several Asian colleagues like me who know they don’t have enough facial hair. A Russian colleague is too sensitive and gets itchy after a couple of days, then there are the guys who would feel naked shaving off their goatees and moustaches. One guy said ‘yes’ today. He’s my half-Lebanese, half-Dutch boss who looks more Arabic than European. Then he realised that he’s going to be in America for a couple of weeks in the middle of all this. He gets enough shit at the airports without facial hair. The last thing he needs is another excuse for them to ‘randomly select’ him for interrogations and tests, so we decided that it was a ‘no’ for him in the end.

Now I’m biting the bullet and going to give it a shot. I’ve signed up and I’m flying solo. Only five days to go.

Support Movember.