It's Movember. Just gimme a mo ok?

Day 20 – The battered man
Friday, 20th November, 2009, 11:59 pm
Filed under: Movember | Tags: , , , ,

It’s interesting to follow yesterday’s post with a report about an abused man who killed his wife. I’ve never condoned wives killing their abusive husbands and this man killing his wife is no different. You do feel sorry for them, but the onus is on the abused party to walk out. Of course, once you’re there, walking out could be the hardest thing to do. It sounds like the abused man was forced by his wife to live a very depressing existence.

I just wonder if Anthony Sherna were a woman, would the judge still have sentenced him to 14 years in prison? This blog isn’t about gender politics, but the sentence for this crime does highlight the imbalance between the way we treat abused men and abused women. By the same token, we as a society are more aware and supportive of distressed and depressed women than we are of distressed and depressed men. That’s why Movember is so important. It’s bringing men’s health out of the darkness and getting people talking about prostate cancer and depression. Movember is donating directly to the Prostate Cancer Foundation and beyondblue who are doing things to provide resources for people suffering from depression as well as many groups who are at risk, such as adolescents and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (GLBTI). Donate today.

Day 20

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